$20.00 - $25.00


In the tradition of 'Pilgrimage' this rosary honors the Pilgrimage to Medjugorje. A small village in Hercegovina, Medjugorje is where the Blessed Virgin Mary has been appearing since 1981 and giving messages to the whole world. We are all pilgrims as we travel on our faith filled road to be with our Blessed Mother and her Beloved Son. This small but unique rosary is a wonderful reminder of how powerful praying the rosary is.

The Blessed Mother said in a message to the whole world on August 25th, 1989:
Dear children, today I call you to prayer. By means of prayer, little children, you will find joy and peace. Through prayer you will be richer in the mercy of God. Therefore, little children, let prayer illuminate your entire life. Especially I call you to pray that those who are far from God may be converted. Then our own hearts will be richer because God will reign in the hearts of all. And so, little children, pray, pray, pray! Let prayer reign throughout the whole world.

These vintage wooden rosaries were handmade during the 10 year (1991) anniversary of the Apparitions of Our Lady Queen of Peace in Medjugorje, Hercegovina. The larger rosary is approximately 19" long and come in dark brown, brown and natural wood. The smaller rosary is approximately 14" long and comes in dark brown or natural wood. Attached to the rosary is an Atelier Zovak Sacred Heart medal. the Sacred Heart of Jesus is a symbol of God's boundless and passionate love for mankind.

The rosary is a great power from which graces of conversion, love, repentance and peace are received.

Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us!
Our Lady of Medjugorje, pray for us!